Information Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) | NDIS


Western Sydney Community Centre

Monday to Friday - 9am to 4pm

Group Work - Tuesday 9am to 12pm

Case Management - Mon to Fri - 9am to 4pm 

 98 Auburn Rd, Auburn NSW 2144

An address must be specified for a map to be embedded


Bryan Brown Theatre and Function Centre

Friday - 9am to 2pm

Group Work - Friday 9am to 12pm

Case Management - Friday 12pm to 2pm

 80 Rickard Rd, Bankstown NSW 2200

An address must be specified for a map to be embedded


Fairfield Library

Tuesday - 9am to 2pm

Group Work - Tuesday 9am to 12pm

Case Management - Tuesday 12pm to 2pm

104 Hamilton Pde, Fairfield NSW 2165

An address must be specified for a map to be embedded

What is ILC?

Information, Linkages, and Capacity Building is the NDIS’s funding program for community-level projects. Individuals with a disability will have the opportunity to be involved in all aspects of our community life. We aim to improve our capability and opportunity. 

WSCC proudly delivers ILC workshops in Auburn, Bankstown and Fairfield. In these sessions, we aim to explain the importance of the ILC and how we can support you.

Through the ILC, we at WSCC will be able to deliver projects in our community that benefit all Australians with a disability, along with their carers and families: through support groups, service mapping and family liaison officers.


The information aspect of the ILC program is about the dissemination information. People with disabilities, their families and carers will gain access to up-to-date, relevant, quality information. It is possible to disseminate information using multi-modal delivery methodologies including telephone, email, phone, SMS, social media, podcasts, written materials and other emerging technologies as well as various face-to-face methodologies such as forums, workshops, seminars and conferences.


The linkages aspect of the ILC program is about forming relationships, connections and referral pathways in the community so that participants and carers are linked to services and supports they require in the community. We ensure that providers can collaborate to connect and form meaningful connections with each other. Otherwise known as community engagement, the linkages aspect of the ILC brings together stakeholders to identify and form connections between informal, mainstream and community supports. This includes;

  • Community Hubs that are tailored to local needs, circumstances and conditions. These hubs provide a safe place to provide activities and events, support groups, circles of support and community meetings. 

  • ​Community of Practice where providers are brought in to share information, research and to share resources in formal and informal meetings. Community of practices aim to educate and give providers the tools and resources they require improve their understanding of client needs, how they can build their client's capacities.

  • Service mapping collects information to determine the nature of the current situation to determine anticipated levels of support that will be required. This includes a Written Who's Who Guide so that people are aware of the supports that are available  and how to access local services and supports

  • Support Groups  are co-facilitated groups of people with the lived experience of disability. Support groups provide an opportunity to form social connections and the development of friendships as well as provide people with strategies to engage with services, supports, social networks and community organisations.

  • Family liaison officers are employed to specialise in providing education, resources, peer support, social connection opportunities and referrals to people in the community.​

Capacity Building

The capacity building aspect of the ILC program is about people building knowledge, skills and confidence to form better practices so that people and providers can improve life outcomes.

Interested in ILC services?

Fill out a form today

Referral Form